Wednesday, September 24, 2014

To caption or not to caption that is the question

          Some pictures do not need a caption because the image it says all. However, not all images have that power.

          All pictures in a newspaper or magazine require captions because they need explanation. Images need the five w’s and the h answered. Whois in the photo? What is happening in the photo? When was the photo taken, or the event take place? Where did the event take place? Why is this important, or why was it taken? How did the people do something, or how did this event happen? 

          All good captions depend on these questions being answered correctly so the image and the photojournalist maintain credibility,  and the readers understanding of the photos intent. 

          The AP Stylebook and good research are the primary tools used in making sure captions are thorough, factual, and done correctly.

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